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If only we had #SocialMedia in the 1970’s…



If, like me, you grew up in the 1970’s, you will be mentally scarred. Having to wash behind your ears with carbolic soap, have a crap haircut, wear national health spec’s, watch enviously as the other boys rode around on their Choppers and having to wear trousers with so many buttons on, you used to wet yourself. How times haven’t changed.

There was no International Network of computers [info: now called the “Internet”] it was typewriters, memo’s and postcards. If you were posh, you had a phone, with a number like “Macclesfield 284” and could use it to call other posh people and say things like “I’m speaking to you on my telephone”. 

Unfortunately, I wasn’t posh, but I did have a second hand telly (I say “I” but it was from Radio Rentals and “uncle” Jimmy paid for it). I used to escape to a different world, and through the magic of YouTube, I can now escape once more.

Below is a selection of programmes I used to watch and it just goes to show how open minded we were way back then. If we had Twitter, we’d no doubt be discussing how great these shows were…or other such things.

And this always made me laugh…how funny it was. I grew up in a working men’s club. Ironic name that.

What is the cat doing? And mummy was “talking” to the milkman.

And finally there was Pan’s People. I never found out who Pan was, but I can remember wanting, so very much, to meet his people.

Happy times.

And just for Gary [comment below] here is an epic performance from Paul “Hi de Hi” Shane on Pebble Mill at One. There is just so much about this performance that is right….too much to comment on. Just sit back and watch in awe. This is what telly should be about.

2 Comments leave one →
  1. Twankers - Social Mediocrity permalink
    30/11/2011 12:21 PM

    Gary, for your viewing pleasure. I’ve dug deep into the Pebble Mill archives and foiund a classic. It follows the people of Pan.

  2. Gary Jones permalink
    26/11/2011 10:23 PM

    what about the terrible pebble mill at one,always good for live mishaps

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